Dr. Chadi Murr

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Breast Reduction or Reduction Mammoplasty – Plastic Surgery

A breast reduction, also called reduction mammoplasty, is a plastic surgery that aims at reducing over-sized breasts. By removing excess breast tissue and lifting the nipple upwards, the breasts become perkier, lighter and more proportionate with the women’s body.

Am I a good candidate?

The ideal candidates for reduction mammoplasty are healthy women who experience emotional and physical discomfort because of over-developed breasts. Read More


How is it done?

Breast reduction is usually done under general anesthesia and takes about three hours, depending on the amount of reduction needed. I will start by making an incision around the areola and down to the breast crease in a lollipop shape, then another incision across the breast sides in the shape of an anchor. Once done, the excess glandular tissue, fat and skin are trimmed away.Read More


How long is the recovery?

After breast reduction, patients have to wear an elastic bandage and a surgical bra. Few days later, they are replaced with a soft support bra that should be constantly worn over the following three weeks. Read More


Before and After